A photograph of the Argentine Flag.

Sustainability Argentine Seafood


The National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP) advises the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Nation (SSPyA), the Federal Fisheries Council (CFP) and the Argentina Chancellery in the rational use of sustainable resources with the primary objective of preserving the marine ecosystem for future generations. To do this, conducts studies on the dynamics of populations of fish, crustaceans and molluscs of commercial interest focusing on issues such as recruitment, growth, natural and fishing mortality. Similarly, environmental researches including physical and chemical aspects of the sea, as well as work towards the development of marine products intended for human consumption and farming technologies to marine organisms. Moreover, the analysis and design of arts and trapping methods are intended to make them more efficient with special emphasis on the selectivity of the same in order to protect the most vulnerable individuals. It also takes into account the economic and social aspects of fisheries, for which economic analysis is performed estimating fisheries and indicators of productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of the fleet and industry.


All these activities are framed within multidisciplinary research programs covering the main Argentine Sea marine resources, among which are: hake, squid, shrimp, pollack, white croaker, anchovy, mackerel, shark, smooth hound, stripes, hoki, hake, toothfish, Polish, crab and scallop.


You can go directly to the ministry fisheries and aquculture page by clicking here. Here you will find information on sustainability of Argentine seafood. The website is in Spanish but Google Chome gives you the ability to translate it.


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