A photograph of live chilean langostino, which a minirature lobster, just removed from a trap.

Chilean Langostino Lobster Meat

MSC Certified Fishery

Packed from fresh cooked langositno, langostino lobster meat is the perfect bite sized seafood. From cold, fresh salads to steaming, creamy bisques and pasta dishes, the Chilean Langostino Meat (Cervimunida Johni and Pleuroncodes Monodon) is flavorful, versatile and attractive. Only the best langostino meat is selected and sold under the Seatech label. Our office in Santiago is constantly working with the packers to assure we receive the highest quality product possible. This gives us a great advantage over others who do not have the same contact with the packers. They are not assured the same quality we demand of our products.


MSC Certification


The Chilean langostino fishery was certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) on August 13th 2016 The fishery attained a score of 80 or more against each of the MSC Principles and did not score less than 60 against any MSC Criteria. The Latin names for the two species of langostino are Cervimunida johni and Pleuroncodes monodon. To view a copy of the MSC certification click here.


Count: 60-90, 90-110 and 100-200 pieces per pound.


For additional product information please give us a call (425) 835-0312 or send us an email or visit www.langostinomeat.com.

A photograph of Chilean langostino meat placed in a bowl with shell on langostio placed around the bowl on a plate.


© Seatech Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phone: (425) 835-0312